Hi everyone!
I have not written in my blog for quite some time now and thought I had better get cracking before you all think I have died! Talking about dying I did have a car accident on the 2nd of January 2019 (Happy New Year me!). I was going round a roundabout in my trusty Kia Sportage and some idiot decided not to give way and went straight into the side of me! Luckily my dashcam captured the footage as the driver failed to stop! I can show you the dashcam footage as the insurance has all been sorted now, obviously it was not my fault and I was able to get a new car as my Kia was a total write off!

This is what my car looked like after the accident!

Kia? What kia? My new Audi A4, every cloud…
On a more positive note, my father in law (G0HIJ) and I are setting up a brand new 2m analogue voice repeater very soon! Wayne has now been issued the NOV and we can start getting everything in place, the new repeater is located in Elswick, Preston and its callsign will be GB3EP, This is an addition to the two fusion gateways MB6IPR & MB6PR more information can be found on the gateway website http://mb6ipr.com. We are in the process of rebranding the website to incorporate the repeater and gateways and we will be going under the new name Red Rose Repeater Group, brand new website to follow. Here is a photo of the repeater.

The new repeater GB3EP
We are super excited to be starting this project, getting an NOV for a 2m repeater isn’t easy and we really appreciate that so we intend to make it a huge success!
More news is I have just done a written review for the brand new Retevis RT84 DMR & FM Dual Band Handie, I really think this radio is the PERFECT Hotspot Radio! I love it! You can read the full review here. I will also be reviewing the new Retevis RT95 Dual Band FM mobile radio, this should be within the next couple of weeks, as usual there will be a youtube and full written review. Here is the Youtube video.
I have also reached over 700 subscribers on Youtube! This is fantastic and something I never dreamed of so I want to say a huge thank you to every single one of you for taking the time to watch my videos and I hope you find them informative. I try to reply to all messages and emails but I apologize if I have missed any of you, I have been so busy with work and family.
Thanks for taking the time to read my Blog and visit my website! Really means a lot to me that you have taken the time.