Welcome to my Yupiteru MVT 7100 Review I have wanted this scanner ever since the early 90’s when this first came out, I was only a young teenager then so could not afford to buy this fantastic yupiteru radio scanner!
It’s now 2012 and I am 30 and saw this one going cheap on eBay so put my bid in and
hoped for the best! I was amazed that I managed to get one of the best scanners in the world in my opinion and eagerly awaited the yupiteru coming through the post!
I can say that it was worth the wait! All those years I had waited to get my hands on this
amazing scanner and the day had finally arrived!
My first impression was how well-built it feels! It’s quite a hard plastic and considering that
the Yupiteru MVT 7100 is now nearly 20 years old, after a good clean it looks like new!
I also got the original mains charger and telescopic antenna and manual. On the scanner you
have three knobs on the top, one is for squelch, one is for the volume and the third is for
changing channel or frequency etc…
On the side of the receiver you have a “lamp” button and a “moni” button and a “key lock”
switch, you also have the reset button also located on the left hand side. On the right hand
side of the radio it has the earphone socket and also the socket for the power lead.
The display is very easy to read as long as you are looking at the scanner at eye level, it can
be very hard to read if looking from above or below. The lamp is still very bright on mine and
also illuminates the keypad which is a very nice feature!
The keypad controls all of the radio, there are no menus in the radio but you do have a
function key so most of the buttons have two purposes.
The scanner covers all modes including LSB and USB, AM and FM and WFM and has Full,
continuous coverage from 530khz ~ 1650MHz! This is amazing as most scanners have gaps in
the coverage and do not have sideband.
I have found that the Yupiteru MVT 7100 is a very sensitive receiver and seems to do its job
extremely well! The build quality is amazing and like I said, this radio is nearly 20 years old
and with a good clean, the scanner looks brand new! I have waited half my life to get my
hands on this fantastic receiver and I am over the moon that I can finally say that I own a Yupiteru 7100
I wanted to do a bit of an update regarding this radio scanner, it’s now 2018 and I have since sold my scanner as there really isn’t very much activity around my local area. I have noticed on eBay that the price of the Yupiteru is still a strong one. i am not sure if some of the more modern scanners like the uniden bearcat radios are better as this type of receiver is getting on a bit. If I ever come across another one at a reasonable price I would have another go at it and keep hold of it as it’s a legendary piece of equipment!