Thanks for taking the time to visit my website!
i am also on youtube and my channel can be found here..
Here is a small selection of my videos I have made, everything from the complete beginners guide to DMR & yaesu system fusion! I appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos and means a lot to me if you would consider subscribing to my channel and reacting to my videos.
RetroSoft handheld gaming console review! Perfect for Christmas! Retro, playstation, Nintendo..
Radioddity QT 80 Review 10, 11, 12 & 15m Fantastic radio!
Hands down the best radio i've ever used, Choyong LC90 Review FM/SW/MW/SSB and Internet! WIFI BT.
Radioddity QT60 Review! 10m 12m 11m multimode! Modding, programming & unboxing! All you need to know
How to turn your Yaesu FT2 FT3 FT5 into a Hotspot or gateway! Step by Step Guide! Ofcom proposal.
Brand New Ham Radio Forum! everyone welcome 🙂
2015 Audi A4 Icom ID 4100 2m/70cms D-Star Mobile install GB7FL Ham Radio Mobile
New YSF & D-Star Repeater online! Exciting! GB7FL Now ON AIR!
Ofcom to withdraw Intermediate licences? Plan of Work 2023-24 with RSGB
Shack Tour 2023! New additions including the Hamshack Hotline and Yaesu FT991
G7RPG Hubnet Micro Node! All-Star and Echolink Review & look inside and how to use! allstar network
Messi & Paoloni ExtraFlex Bury 10/400 Coax Review! Fantastic Coax, HF Amateur Radio Station!
Storm Eunice update on the antennas at my QTH spiderpole, sirio gainmaster & Diamond X300 stay safe.
Pearce Simpson Super Tiger 40A MINT Boxed 40ch AM CB Radio, Rare, Retro equipment
Pearce Simpson Tiger 40a Rare MINT Condition AM Cb Radio from the USA! This is a must see, RETRO!
V 1.4 Released! (2021/07/09) How to Update the icom IC 7300 Firmware! Step by Step!
Alinco DR 135 UK Review EVERYTHING you need to know! On Air tests + Programming 10 & 11m transceiver
My Ham Radio Virtual Shack Tour! 2021! Uncluding my Icom IC 7300, Alinco DR135 & 2m/70cms Gateways
Ham Goodies Choke Isolator! Does it work? Did I have Common Mode Current? CMC Let's find out! EFHW
Icom IC 7300 Ham Radio Full Review! On air test and some of the features of this HF 4m & 6m SDR
Icom IC 7300 HF 4m & 6m SDR Unboxing & First Impressions! Fantastic Radio!
Another Antenna Update! UK Antennas EFHW Was getting some RFI issues so changed things a little 160m
UK Antennas HWEF Antenna Update! More information and how I could improve things. Making a choke.
Spiderbeam Spiderpole 12 HD Review & Install! This is a Heavy Duty Fiberglass Pole! Very Strong!
UK Antennas Review and Install of the EFHW Multiband antenna! Fantastic! Small Garden, Spiderpole!
I'm back! Update video what's been happening and the plan going forward!
Boxchip S900 A Plus DMR & FM Android Radio Review $100 Discount for my viewers! Let's get excited!
Boxchip 900A Plus UHF DMR & POC Gateway Radio Unboxing! This is a really nice radio!
Update video on whats been happening and about the gaming streams lately, gateway updates too!
Finally upgrading my very old Intel I7 3770 to a AMD Ryzen 5 2600x what a difference! MSI B450
Icom ID31 First Impression & Review, UltraHF D Star Handie! Perfect hotspot radio! Really impressed!
Messi and Paoloni Hyperflex 10 Review & Install Super low loss coax, Italian made Diamond X300
UK Digital Ham Radio Station Shack Tour! Showing MB6IFR & MB6FR Gateways! Quick look round 🙂
Yaesu FT2D System Fusion C4FM Dual Band Handie Full Review! Now is a great time to buy!
It have been a crazy month! Loads of things have changed so here's an update for you all 🙂
Hang Tenna 582 Review! 10m & 11m portable antenna! This thing is amazing! using my DX Commander pole
Radioddity GA 510 10w Dual Band FM Handie Unboxing & First Impressions Review! Great radio!
Was this Boris Johnson's Motorcade? Police Escort Prince Andrew? Lytham St.Annes VIP
Vero VR N7500 VGC Dual Band FM Bluetooth App Controlled Ham Radio FULL REVIEW! Take a look..
Vero VR-N7500 Bluetooth app controlled dual band FM radio First Impressions & Unboxing
How to Decode POCSAG Pagers! FIRE, Ambulance, Police! Step by Step! emergency services pagers.
DX Commander Multi Band Vertical Unboxing Build and Review M0MCX Portable Vertical Antenna SOTA
Yaesu FT 897D First Impressions Review! Perfect beginner HF transceiver Shack in a box radio!
No Intermediate short Callsigns to be issued! HUGE Update! I have got a new callsign and more!
G callsigns are BACK! While stocks last! BREAKING NEWS! G2 G8 Calls issued by Ofcom! Amateur Radio
Brand new update Video! What has been happening and what's next? New radio and antenna!
Radioddity GD 73 A UHF DMR Handie Full Review & unboxing! Perfect hotspot radio
My Intermediate Project, How I built my Frequency Counter Crystal Tester Ham Radio License test 2E0