Hi everyone!
Thanks for visiting my website! It really means a lot to me that your here, my name is Matthew and my callsign is M6CEB (as you probably guessed from the title) I have been licensed now for about 9 years! I am studying for the Intermediate licence but have not taken the exam yet. I am also a member of the Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society and that is where I took my Foundation exam.
I decided to start a blog to be able to keep a bit of a diary as to what I am getting up to, radio or not. I have put in so many hours on this website and its been live for around 8 years now! I do not have much in the way of radio equipment but it is growing slowly, take a look at my reviews if you can, I have done quite a few of them including the Radiodiddy GD77 and the amazing Ailunce HD1
Anyway I just wanted to let you guys know that I am going to start keeping a little diary of my life of here, this will add a bit more to the site and I would love to hear from you!
Please leave a comment and stay tuned for more updates 🙂