Hi Guys!
As you may know I have been filming YouTube videos for quite a long time, I also write a lot of reviews for my site and I get emails every now and then asking questions or thanking me for making them. It really means a lot to me and I wanted to reach out and say a special thank you to you all. 🙂
I was so amazed by my Ham Radio hotspot that I bought that I wanted to build my own at a lot lower cost, I also wanted to do a video and written tutorial to accompany it so that you guys could build your very own!
I get quite a few tweets from you guys and it really spurs me on to make more content but I wanted to acknowledge a couple here now. Super thank you to Scott AD0EO for your comment, I really hope you get your hotspot built and would love to see a photo when its finished 🙂
Another super shout out to Josh Strawn for your lovely comment, I really hope you get your radio. You know my feeling so you won’t be disappointed!
I really appreciate every single one of you that are reading this Blog, who also take the time to visit my website and watch my videos. I will always be grateful and you guys are awesome!…