Tytera MD 390 Review
I got this radio after my father-in-law lent me his Tytera MD 380, I had been inactive for a few years and my father-in-law told me about his new digital radio and said it was right up my street as you can talk around the world on it and with it being a handheld you can take it everywhere I go! I sold all my radio equipment a few years ago when my son Finley was born as I had lost interest so this sounded perfect!
I rushed round to my father-in-laws house and got home and started playing around with it, I fell in love with it! I have made a couple of videos and thought I would write something for my website, so here it is! The TyT 380 & 390 are nearly identical, the main difference is that the 390 is IP67 Waterproof, this was useful to me at the time as I was a Cleaner.
They also look a tiny bit different, as I said they both seemed to work very well and soon found that it was just as easy to use as the 380 is and the codeplugs work for both also. I have since sold my Tytera MD 390 and still borrow my Father-in -laws 380 until I get a new DMR mobile Radio, I know Retevis and Tytera basically do the same radio’s but I am hoping to try out their new HD1 soon, watch this space….
This is my Review video I did for YouTube.
This is my Review after owning the radio for 2 weeks.
Below is a video I made showing how to program the radio.